Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sleepless Nights...

My first night back on the top bunk, and it has been a rough one (probably due to the four hour nap I took yesterday). I could not bring myself to study geology and instead found myself watching MSNBC and Comedy Central until 12 AM. I tried to study for about an hour but I decided that it just wasn't happening and that I would try and get some sleep in.

Basically, I was tossing and turning until 6 AM. Maybe I got a couple minutes here and there, but not hear enough what I need to function. At 6 AM, I officially gave up. I grabbed my laptop and climbed back to my top bunk and watched "The Shawshank Redemption".

I have no idea how I'm going to get through today. It's Reading Day, which I means I should be studying today. All day. I couldn't even study yesterday on a full night's sleep, much less, without any sleep. I doubt that will happen, there's just no way.

Plans for today?
  • Shower. Cause let's face it, I need one.
  • Go to the bookstore and sell back my HTM and English books.
  • Attempt to study for Resources Geology
  • Go to Kate's and get ready for dinner
  • Texas Roadhouse with the best frands.
I highly doubt I can get through today without a nap in there somewhere. I'm just worried that if I try to sleep, I won't wake up in time to go to dinner. This is our last chance to hang out together before we all go our separate ways for the summer. I would really hate to miss out on that because I couldn't sleep :/

Okay, Reading Day. Bring it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy, Cloudy, Depressing

For the past two days in Blacksburg, VA, it has been rather dreary. I woke up yesterday to the pitter-patter of rain drops on our window. I opened my eyes to see dark, hazy clouds. I lay in bed for about an hour and finally forced myself out of my nice, comfy bed and to face the day.
I had a test due for my math class, and in order to take it, I had to go outside, walk to the bus stop in front of the library, and take the bus to an off-campus facility that is located in a mall. The whole process of getting over there, taking my test, and getting back to my dorm room probably took an hour, hour and a half. Really not worth it for a math test.

But nevertheless, I liked the weather. It was nice to hear the pitter-patter of the rain while doing my reading. I didn't feel as inclined to go out and do something like I normally do. I just felt like curling up in my dorm and reading. Nothing like a lazy, Sunday drizzle to make you feel like hunkering down and getting some work done.

But Monday. Ugh, Monday. Still raining, still cloudy. But its not nice. It's not cozy. No, now we have to get up at 8:00 and walk across the drillfield to class. The rain has had me in a bad, lazy mood today. My mind has been waundering off during class while I'm supposed to be taking notes. And I found myself incredibly homesick when I called my mom today. Incredibly, incredibly homesick. I just wanted a break. I just wanted to go home and curl up in my mom's loving, understanding embrace.

I guess the rain can fall. But it just can't fall to fit your schedule, your mood.

What a world it would be if it could.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Finding my Way

I have decided to reformat my blog. The whole fashion thing just wasn't something I was comfortable with writing about and sharing every little thing about. But I do want to keep a blog. I don't know what I'll write about. But I have a lot on my mind, all the time. I'm sure I'll think of something.

As some of you know, I have recently started college. I am a freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In Lahman's (<--sp?) terms, that would be Virginia Tech. It's a school that I can honestly say I have always loved. I am a third generation legacy here, my great aunt Murt was a cheerleader here. My mom, my aunt, and my uncle graduated from here. And my grandparents live in the great city of Blacksburg and so I have been coming here all my life. I guess you can say it was meant to be.

But even though its a school that I've always known and loved, it's been a totally new and different experience. Even though I have been coming here to visit all my life, I did come from over a thousand miles away from Texas. I am a long way from the place that I call home. And I have always been very close with my family, who are also a thousand miles away. I don't get to see them every weekend. I don't get to see them even on three-day weekends. In some ways, its a good thing that they don't live so close, because I'm more inclined to go submerge myself in college life instead of going home and replaying high school. But I still miss them.

Life has its challenges. Change is a challenge. And adjusting to college life is a challenge. I am slowly getting used to it.

So I guess this is what I'll write about. Life. My Life.

This is my story.
